diff --git a/Init-Server.sh b/Init-Server.sh
index adae5ed..93ff2ab 100644
--- a/Init-Server.sh
+++ b/Init-Server.sh
@@ -106,22 +106,26 @@ install_docker() {
 # Function to install Node.js
 install_nodejs() {
     if get_user_confirmation "Node.js installieren?"; then
-        if command_exists node; then
-            log_info "Node.js ist bereits installiert."
-        else
-            log_info "Node.js wird installiert..."
-            apt install -y curl
-            # Using the latest LTS version (20.x as of now)
-            curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | bash -
-            apt install -y nodejs
-            # Install latest npm version
-            npm install -g npm@latest
-            log_success "Node.js wurde erfolgreich installiert."
-            log_info "Installed Node.js version: $(node --version)"
-            log_info "Installed npm version: $(npm --version)"
-        fi
+        log_info "Node.js wird installiert/aktualisiert..."
+        # Install npm first
+        apt install -y npm
+        # Update npm to latest version
+        npm install -g npm@latest
+        # Install n module for Node.js version management
+        npm install -g n
+        # Install latest stable Node.js version using n
+        n stable
+        # Reload shell environment to use new Node.js version
+        export PATH="$PATH"
+        log_success "Node.js wurde erfolgreich installiert/aktualisiert."
+        log_info "Installed Node.js version: $(node --version)"
+        log_info "Installed npm version: $(npm --version)"
         log_skip "Node.js-Installation übersprungen."
@@ -175,9 +179,8 @@ display_system_overview() {
     if command_exists ufw; then
         echo "✓ UFW ($(ufw status | grep Status | cut -d' ' -f2))"
     echo -e "\n${BLUE}[Open Ports]${NC}"
-    netstat -tuln | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://'
+    netstat -tuln | grep LISTEN | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/.*://' | tr '\n' ', ' | sed 's/,$/\n/'
     echo -e "\n${GREEN}Setup completed! System is ready to use.${NC}\n"