# Linux Server Tools curl -o /tmp/Init-Server.sh https://git.lucidtime.de/Hikyu/linux-server-tools/-/raw/dev/Init-Server.sh?ref_type=heads && bash /tmp/Init-Server.sh && rm /tmp/Init-Server.sh mein public zum testen: ssh-rsa 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 deck@steamdeck ## What this script does The script performs the following setup tasks: 1. SSH Setup - Creates .ssh directory if needed - Adds provided SSH public key to authorized_keys 2. System Updates - Updates package lists - Upgrades installed packages 3. Basic Tools Installation - htop (Process monitoring) - zip/unzip - UFW (Firewall) - screen (Terminal multiplexer) - vim, nano (Text editors) - git (Version control) - curl, wget (Download tools) - tree (Directory visualization) - ncdu (Disk usage analyzer) 4. Security Configuration - Enables UFW firewall - Configures SSH access 5. Docker Installation (Optional) - Installs Docker Engine - Sets up Docker repository - Configures Docker to start on boot 6. Dockge Installation (Optional) - Installs Dockge container management - Runs on port 5001 7. Node.js Installation (Optional) - Installs Node.js LTS version